Norms, rules, standards for placement of waste containers

Requirements for the location of garbage containers:

Before equipping the site, the rules for placing waste containers are studied. Legislative acts clearly regulate the boundaries. In case of non-compliance with any of the points, you can write a complaint.

It is important to take into account the remoteness of the site for solid waste from crowded places.

Recommended distances to:

  • Health care institution – 50 m.
  • Shops and entertainment complexes – 30 m.
  • Parks, recreation areas, squares – 50 m. 1 storage unit is installed on 4000 m².

It is not possible to install storage devices near highways, footpaths, on narrow streets. Temporary installation of tanks in areas with construction works is possible, but not longer than 24 hours.

SanPiN norms for the installation of garbage containers

The decomposition of garbage leads to the spread of stench, which attracts various animals (cats and dogs), insects.

Sanitary and epidemiological regulations 42-128-4690-88 help to understand the rules for installing tanks. This applies not only to residential areas, but also to places that are actively visited by people.

Garbage collection sites are organized not only near houses, but also near shops, various enterprises, medical institutions, and parks.

SanPiN regulates where storage devices are installed and the periodicity of their emptying.

Regulations for the installation of garbage containers in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings

Before the construction of an apartment building, the construction company selects a site for garbage containers. You need to approach the choice of place responsibly. An incorrectly chosen area can provoke a violation of hygienic standards, and even a fire. The location of solid waste containers at a great distance from the house will lead to clogging of other areas, because not all residents will be able to reach the garbage containers.

Coordination of plots takes place in the presence of real estate owners, the management company and local self-government bodies.

A mandatory condition is the object’s distance of 20 m or more from houses, sports grounds, park alleys. If there is no such place, then the distance can be reduced to 9 meters. But the playground can be arranged further 100 m from the house – this is done for the convenience of residents. The number of tanks is calculated taking into account the number of residents and the volume of solid waste that is thrown out by them.

No more than 5 tanks can be placed on one site. In microdistricts, several sites for garbage will be equipped in one place. Everyone must have an individual fence and no more than 5 tanks.

The sites are distributed in such a way that there are no problems with the entrance of special equipment.

Urns are installed at each entrance of a multi-story building. Removal is carried out as they are filled.

Distance to the playground

Waste collection areas cannot be located next to children’s playgrounds. This is one of the requirements of SanPiN. Garbage containers should be located at a distance of no closer than 20 m.

If there is a footpath next to the solid waste collection site, the distance is calculated from its outer edge.

Distance to public buildings

In every city there are buildings that many people visit every day. Garbage containers are installed in such a way that outsiders do not have access to them.

They are installed in backyards far from buildings. It is necessary to provide an entrance for special vehicles.

If it is not possible to put tanks at 20 m, then the distance can be reduced to 9. But the place for collecting waste is arranged in such a way that passers-by do not have access to it.

Location of garbage containers in the private sector

SNiP 30-02-97 allows residents of the private sector to independently choose a place for placing waste containers. The site is located no closer than 10 m from homesteads and no further than 100 m. The presence of fences is mandatory, because there are more stray animals in the private sector.

After agreeing on the place, the service company:

  • arranges a site for solid waste collection;
  • removes garbage in a specialized vehicle;
  • regularly cleans the area;
  • clears the place for the entrance.

Owners of private residential buildings can get rid of organic waste by burying it on the site, and throwing inorganic waste into a tank on the street.

In rural areas and urban-type settlements

SNT (garden non-commercial societies), urban-type settlements, GBK (garage-building cooperatives) collect garbage in designated areas. Tanks are placed near houses so that residents do not have to walk far.

The rules for placing waste containers in the private sector in rural areas are regulated by legislation. The following violations are common:

Installation of fillers at a distance of less than 9 m from the gas distributor or power plant.

Accommodation near the highway and railway. The field is protected from the side of the track and must be located no closer than 20 m from them.

If there is a forest massif in the village, or it is part of a nature reserve, then before installation you need to get permission from the nature protection organization.